Can someone please buy me a brick? I would love one. It would be great to have my place “cemented” in Cardinals history. Cardinals Bricks: Paving the Way to the New Stadium.

If you want to know what to inscribe, something like:

Mike “Shep” Schepker
Fan Forever
“Something Else Here”

if you have any suggestions on what to put, let me know. Hurry, space is limited!

A lot of colleges distribute a facebook to Freshman with pictures of the incoming class and their respective majors. A new website takes this beyond that. matches you up with other registered users from your university. When registered you can join different user-created groups such as Cardinal Fans and just about anything else you can imagine. You can also browse former classmates from your high school. This site has been gaining popularity over the past few weeks and is gaining more and more members each day. Check out my Facebook profile here: Facebook me!.

Taking a note from the Grey Video, Volkswagon fused Gene Kelly’s face on a dancing body to recreate Singing in the Rain for a commercial for the new Golf GTI. Check out the awesome commercial here: Volkswagon Commercial

I started my practicum at Central High School today. The teacher seems cool. Central is on the North side of town, so is mostly a low income school. They have recently added on to the school and it is huge. It is 3 stories and is built like a maze. I do my first teaching on Feb 28th. The topic: the Cold War. This is pretty much the only topic I didn’t want. Oh well.

Hi, my name is Shep. I am NOT addicted to tv. It amazes me how many people are. Sure, I watch television for background noise when I’m doing other things, but I DO NOT base my life around programs like more and more Americans do each day. Am I the only one who thinks that this is ridiculous? Tivo has become the standard for people who can’t watch every single one of their television programs. Tivo the OC tonight, I can’t watch it. Tivo Survivor because I’ll be watching American Idol which is on at the same time. It is horrifying how addicted we as a society have become.

What pulled this little rant from the depths of my mind? Someone came into the computer lab today when I was working. She had a portable television and was watching tv while browsing the net. It is so sad that she couldn’t leave her television to come to class and/or the computer labs.