First, for the funny, Get Perpendicular

For the amazing, Google just bought Keyhole “The Ultimate Interface to the Planet.” Here is a screenshot of my house in St. Louis

Click the picture for larger image.

Simply amazing.

I was in the WordPress IRC channel and someone posted this and I thought it was an interesting read.

Democracy, Birds, And Snails


April 7, 2005

I wonder whether liberal democracies do not follow an ordained trajectory into the muck, ripening like fruits, having their arteries harden, and falling, plop, to be eaten by birds and snails. (That was a two-animal medico-vegetative ballistic metaphor, not so much mixed as homogenized, almost colloidal. Patent applied for.) I note that the English-speaking countries are doing to themselves exactly what the United States is doing, and the Europeans, though better educated and more cultivated, follow. Maybe there is a pattern. Read more

Using a cool new Stats plugin. You can find my stats here, or you can just look in the footer on all the pages and click stats.

Update: Sorry people, didn’t post the link to the stats download. Download it here.

I’m also using Dr. Dave’s Spam Karma 2 now. The new plugin is still in beta, but it seems to work fine. Let me kn0w via the contact page if your comments aren’t getting through.

I didn’t do anything spectacular, as my cash flow (or lack there of) has me unable to do anything. I had class and worked all day. Then I came home to watch the rest of the Cardinals game, and saw them succumb to the bats of the Astros. Great B-day present :( Anyway, I did meet up with some friends and saw the movie Sin City. This has to be on my top 10 list of all time favorite movies. Wow, the movie was spectacular. The acting wasn’t great, though in this noir story, I assume it is supposed to be a bit cheesey. For those who haven’t seen it, do yourself a huge favor and go see it.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy definately looks like it will be a great movie. I can’t wait to see this one.

Anyway, that was my b-day. Nothing spectacular, but at least I got some great presents from my family over break. Thanks everyone!

Also, check out these. They are really funny

Yay! I’m so old….. 22. Seems like yesterday I was buying my first legal beer. It is also Mike Goodspeed’s B-day, so wish him a happy one.

Here are some pics from Spring Break; Easter and Cameron’s 1st B-day.