What Would You Do?

I found this while browsing other peoples’ blogs.

Things I’d do if I had the powers of Superman –

1. Skydive naked and chuteless into a major city, using my flight powers to make sure I didn’t land on anyone, but not using them to save myself from smacking the ground right in front of a crowd.

2. Catapult myself into the ocean.
3. Urinate on R. Kelly at one of his concerts, wait for the beat up from his crew. Laugh as they hit me. Urinate on them.
4. Hang out at the bottom of a lake known for divers. Wave and smile as people swim by.
5. Lift the corner of a house in the middle of the night to fuck with the people sleeping inside.
6. Sit down at a fancy restaurant and eat the glass after I finish each drink.
7. Walk into a bonfire and act confused, “Guys, does it feel warm to you?”
8. Hang myself in front of a store I dislike and look dead.
9. Swim in some lava.
10. Go to a car dealership. Pick up a car and approach a salesman. Ask if I can get it in green.

What would you do?

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