The Chappelle Theory

Should this be posted under humor? I’m not sure. What I am sure of is this site is a good read. From the site:

This account of Dave Chappelle’s fall from grace has been pieced together by me, a retired public relations executive who wishes to remain anonymous. my contacts, many of whom were closely related to the individuals involved, enabled me to fairly accurately recount the events that took place. You can take this for what you wish, but it is the truth — the abhorrent byproduct of the industry I used to hold to such a high esteem.

I have written this account without the need for embellishments or exaggerations for the truth is appalling enough. Let this site serve as a drawn curtain to the entertainment industry which is blindly adored by the entire world.

Go read it. It is long, but if you like conspiracy theories, it’s enjoyable.

2 replies
  1. Caleb
    Caleb says:

    Grr! Everytime I try to comment I forget to put my e-mail address and it has an error and erases everything I wrote.

    Basically I was just commenting on how funny that site was, though I wouldn’t be suprised if there was a very small level of truth to some of the content. But Oprah being so threatening? Is it even possible? Haha.

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