Best Comment Ever

I was reading an article on Digg about the great-grandson of L. Ron Hubbard speaking out against Scientology on a radio show. I didn’t watch the video but one comment drew my attention. It is quite possibly the best comment ever.

It sounds like the short, fat DJ, who keeps calling the guy on the phone “Jackass”, is attacking Scientology while defending Christianity.

So lemme get this straight, its NOT ok to believe in a made up religion where alien beings from a planet called “Xenu” implanted their souls into volcanoes,

BUT it IS ok to believe that a mythical anthropomorphic, self paranoid ego-manic “Bible-God” impregnated a virgin in order to give birth to himself in order to be sacrificed to himself in order to sit beside himself in order to save the world from himself as some kind of sadistic experiment in self replicating redemption by fillings the heads of precious innocent impressionable children with disturbing stories of hell and damnation and devils and eternal suffering.

Are magical invisible green elephants who control the universe from their homes inside doorknobs any less real in the minds of psychopaths in insane asylums?

All these psychotic nutbags need to seek professional help.

2 replies
  1. lisa
    lisa says:

    Shep, you slay me. I now forgive you for your Digg obsession, since you found a gem like this. This is brilliant.

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