John Kerry. A recent study shows that the average IQ of residents of Bush states was lower than those in Kerry states. See the graph here: 2004 Election by IQ. 18:34:142004-11-09 23:43:20And the Smart Vote Goes to….
I can’t speak for other states but for Michigan, 97% of Detroit voted Kerry, so Wayne won it for Mich. However most of the rest of the state was all for Bush.
While I understand that class-warfare against the poor is the way you and your fellow liberals operate…but isn’t that what you, as liberals have crusaded against for decades? Oppression of those based on class or income? Now you post lies and misinformation like this IQ chart as if you’re proud of it.
As if you need to be part of some intellectual elite in order to feel better about yourself. Personally I find discrimination based on class and income to be disgusting but if you need to perpetuate hate just to further your leftist agenda at least makes sure you aren’t spreading lies.
Facts have never mattered much to liberals, so I doubt my post here will last, I’m sure you’ll practice another time honored liberal tradition of censorship.
Oh, and I suggest moving out of your parent’s basement and giving the real world a shot…perhaps you’ll stuff some of that classist, elitist hate of yours and realize you’re no better than anyone else.
We’re all just people trying to get by in this world, and your hate speech does nothing but divide people…in the most horrendous of ways I might add.
shep says:
cellar-dwelling liberal, huh? right. at least i’m living in the real world, and not in some nostalgic rosey-colored picture of america that doesn’t exist. most of the stuff posted here is for entertainment value. if people are trying to get the news from personal blogs, then they are looking in the wrong direction. that’s almost as absurd as turning on Fox news for real news.
and i’m elitist? that’s news to me and my bank account.
and unlike the right who apporve of censorship and the decimation of our rights, i will not delete your comments. if you look, there have been other people who disagree with me, and i have never deleted anything they have said. to each his/her own.
and as for the graph, is where it is from. no hard evidence has been showm to the claim that this is completely false.
i can read just fine, thank you. how about you read this. who’s that gaining the majority of the low iq votes? that’s right, bush. how bout that.
You just don’t get it. There simply is NO reliable data on “IQ by state”. So any OTHER references to such correlations you wish to post will be equally as bogus as the proven hoax you first posted.
shep says:
data look pretty reliable. do you know what a correlation it?
correlation- A causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship, especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two comparable entities
so, a correlation between education level and voting can be made
And I was (obviously) referring to the “IQ by state” voting thing. How did this become about “education”? I guess now you’re suggesting a strict correlation between IQ and education level?
shep says:
my bad, the correlation was between IQs and voting.
it is a correlation. i think you are confusing correlations and relationships.
I can’t speak for other states but for Michigan, 97% of Detroit voted Kerry, so Wayne won it for Mich. However most of the rest of the state was all for Bush.
While I understand that class-warfare against the poor is the way you and your fellow liberals operate…but isn’t that what you, as liberals have crusaded against for decades? Oppression of those based on class or income? Now you post lies and misinformation like this IQ chart as if you’re proud of it.
As if you need to be part of some intellectual elite in order to feel better about yourself. Personally I find discrimination based on class and income to be disgusting but if you need to perpetuate hate just to further your leftist agenda at least makes sure you aren’t spreading lies.
Facts have never mattered much to liberals, so I doubt my post here will last, I’m sure you’ll practice another time honored liberal tradition of censorship.
Oh, and I suggest moving out of your parent’s basement and giving the real world a shot…perhaps you’ll stuff some of that classist, elitist hate of yours and realize you’re no better than anyone else.
We’re all just people trying to get by in this world, and your hate speech does nothing but divide people…in the most horrendous of ways I might add.
cellar-dwelling liberal, huh? right. at least i’m living in the real world, and not in some nostalgic rosey-colored picture of america that doesn’t exist. most of the stuff posted here is for entertainment value. if people are trying to get the news from personal blogs, then they are looking in the wrong direction. that’s almost as absurd as turning on Fox news for real news.
and i’m elitist? that’s news to me and my bank account.
and unlike the right who apporve of censorship and the decimation of our rights, i will not delete your comments. if you look, there have been other people who disagree with me, and i have never deleted anything they have said. to each his/her own.
and as for the graph, is where it is from. no hard evidence has been showm to the claim that this is completely false.
Your need to post lies about how only stupid people voted for Bush makes you an elitist.
and you name-calling liberals doesn’t make you an elitist? i see. only what you say is right. forgive me, i will remember that from now on.
I’m posting a reaction to the hate speech on your website.
I’m calling you out for perpetuating lies, hate and intolerance.
right, because that is exactly what i am doing. and only liberals are guilty of it. quit living in your dream world
The worst name that came from the Bush camp towards Kerry was calling him a “bigger liberal than Kennedy”.
Bush was called everything from Hitler to “terrorist”.
You aren’t one of those that call Americans the true terrorists, are you?
have you seen a post of me calling america the true terrorists? doubtful.
Actually, the “IQ by state” thing HAS been soundly proven to be a hoax.
Here’s something for you to read…you can read, can’t you?
i can read just fine, thank you. how about you read this. who’s that gaining the majority of the low iq votes? that’s right, bush. how bout that.
You just don’t get it. There simply is NO reliable data on “IQ by state”. So any OTHER references to such correlations you wish to post will be equally as bogus as the proven hoax you first posted.
data look pretty reliable. do you know what a correlation it?
Yes. You’ve proven you don’t.
correlation- A causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship, especially a structural, functional, or qualitative correspondence between two comparable entities
so, a correlation between education level and voting can be made
Only if you stress the “casual” part.
And I was (obviously) referring to the “IQ by state” voting thing. How did this become about “education”? I guess now you’re suggesting a strict correlation between IQ and education level?
my bad, the correlation was between IQs and voting.
it is a correlation. i think you are confusing correlations and relationships.
Yep – sounds about right. But I have to stand up for my side too – err, my non-side…
Conservative Stereotypes: Stupid, greedy, religious, extremely prejudice, war-lovers
Liberal Stereotypes: Intelligent, baby-killers, communists, hippies, athiests, peace-lovers
Some of them are true, some of them aren’t.
Now ending my moderate p.o.v.