I’ve had an influx of new visitors lately. I’m not quite sure why they are appearing all of the sudden, but some of the domains they visit from are interesting.

jcpenney.com– shouldn’t you be working, and not surfing the net?
halliburton.com– uh oh, Dick Cheney is watching me.
wanadoo.fr– I’m multinational baby!
scc-nat.stchas.edu– I don’t think I know anyone still attending SCCCCCCCCCCCCC, but if I do know you, what’s up?
vegas.national-net.com– ooooh… somebody let me stay in a hotel free. I want to come to Vegas
xmission.com– could The Best Page in the Universe be visiting me?
gotadsl.co.uk– I told you, I’m multinational!
petsmart.com– get back to work! and give me a dog… please.
harvard.edu– Can I come to grad school there? Will you pay for it? My thesis? How bout “The history of hip hop and its effects on modern society”?
Ok, that’s enough. I did have visits from germany, finland, japan, and canada as well. (and possibly guam)

John Kerry. A recent study shows that the average IQ of residents of Bush states was lower than those in Kerry states. See the graph here: 2004 Election by IQ.

FirefoxThat’s right folks, Firefox 1.0 has launched! Quit using the old Internet Explorer with all its security holes, and lack of features. Firefox is safer, faster, and has the capability of tabbed windows, among other things. Do yourself a favor and download it today! Download Now!

EDIT- I apologize, how rude of me. Here is the link for All other languages and operating systems

Yeah, yeah, yeah….. I redesign too much. I can’t help it. When I get bored and stressed out with school, ideas start floating around my head and I try out different things. I might use this new design. Not quite sure yet. I also wanted to test out WP 1.3 Beta. Let me know what you think.

So here is my list. Have fun shopping for me!