New Name?!?!

As posted by Caleb.

Southwest Missouri State University

Missouri State University!

It passed the Senate today, and the House is expected to pass it without any trouble, and the President of MU said he no longer was against the name change and asked the politicians opposing the bill to stand down. It looks like on March 17 we will be officially announcing and changing the name. I wonder how long it will take to change everything over? I wonder how long it took to change everything from SMSC to SMSU? Anyways, just wanted to announce this!!

Oh, if you’re not from southwest Missouri, the university in Springfield, Missouri, Southwest Missouri State University, has been fighting for about 17 years to drop the regional part of the name to simply be MSU, and today it finally went through the Senate. This is exciting news for those who attend the school, and for southwest Missouri in general!