Some Good News

I went to Central for my practicum, like I do every Tuesday/Thursday, and I was talking to my co-op teacher. His third period class is creating schedules for next school year for the next few days, that puts him behind. Therefore, I don’t have to teach next Thursday. What is also good news is that the week after that, he has to go to a conference, so I don’t have to teach my first lesson until March 15th, and I no longer have to do it over the Cold War. Instead, it will be about the Early Civil Rights period. This is very good news, as I hate the Cold War just as much as the students do, but love Civil Rights.

What is with this weather? 74 Degrees?!?! That’s the last time I get my weather from a Groundhog. “6 more weeks of winter” my ass. This is great Wiffle Ball weather. Do I possibly hear something about the ICMSWWBL starting back up? I sure hope so.