CunninLynguists-Caved In
The song for this week is a song by CunninLynguists. The song was their first single of their brilliant album A Piece of Strange. For those who don’t know much about CunninLynguists, they have two previous albums out, Will Rap for Food and Southernunderground. Producer Kno is a genius on the APOS album. The beats he creates are more than just beats, they are great compositions of drums, samples, and melodies. This is not a typical hip hop album. The album is one giant story from the first track to the last. Don’t let that fool you though, the songs hold their own by themselves, but for a great adventure in storytelling, listen to the album from start to finish. Once you buy the album, which I highly suggest you do, head on over to to read up on what fans think, input from the artists themselves, and general news about the album. Without further ado, here is the great song by CunninLyinguists featuring Cee-Lo (of Goodie Mob and Gnarls Barkley fame).
For anyone at all reading:
Just buy it.
APOS is just damn great.
Hell – I paid full import prices here in the UK when I could have used it for free. This is one case where they DO deserve the cash.
Part with the money. There will be no regrets.