Obama in ’08

As I’m sure everyone is aware by now Barack Obama has thrown his hat into the ring for the 2008 Presidency. Obama is young, exciting, energetic. In short, I think he could be a great President. I see a few problems though. First, it’s going to be tough to beat Hillary Clinton in the primaries. She is more well-known and has a lot more financial backing I’m sure. The second, in case you haven’t noticed, Obama is African-American. Unfortunately there are still many people in this country who are not ready to see past their own bigotry and vote for someone no matter race, religion, gender, sexual preference, etc. Finally, Obama is not as experienced in national politics and people running against him, in the primaries and national election if he makes it that far, will be sure that the public knows that. I hope Obama wins the primary and becomes the Democratic candidate, and if he does, he will get my vote.