If You Liked That (Multiple Category) Plugin

I’ve been using the If You Liked That plugin for quite a long time. Following the content of a post, this plugin inserts links to a user selectable number of other posts in the same category as the main post. The problem was, I often have posts in multiple categories and people might find it more useful if it displays posts from all the categories the post is published in. This version does exactly that. This version of the plugin supports multiple categories being listed below the post instead of posts just from one category. I’ve contacted the original plugin author with the changes but have yet to hear back from him, so I labeled this 1.2 (his is 1.1) and am releasing it from my blog in case anyone wants it. He did all the hard work and I have to thank him for an excellent plugin. Also, thanks to MellerTime for the help on making this multi-category.

Download it from here: Download If You Liked That plugin