This is going to be a really long day, I can tell. It’s not because I have a lot of students, because I only have four. It’s because I’m tired, which I wasn’t until I got into the classroom. Why am I tired? Well, I got my usual amount of sleep last night and had my Monster this morning, so I think the reason must be because it’s hot in my classroom. Like really hot. The AC isn’t coming on for some reason. Many may think I don’t need it because the temperature is only supposed to be 75 today, but I do need it because I have no windows in this classroom and can’t open the door because this is ISS. So it’s hot and stuffy in here with no air coming through at all. I can feel myself get more tired as the day goes on and I’m burning up. I picked the wrong day to wear a tie I think.
In other news, I had a great weekend. I didn’t do anything at all really. Didn’t go anywhere or do anything exciting. I did, however, get to talk to an old friend I don’t get to talk to often. We spent hours catching up. That was a great surprise. Anyway, that’s it for updates.
Edit: Since the post my ac kicked on and the day flew by. I only have about 1 hour left of students.