I’m going to begin a little experiment I’d like to call The Costanza Experiment, named after one of the wisest philosophers of our time, George Costanza. If you remember, there was an episode of Seinfeld where George decides to do the opposite of what he’d usually do. I’ve decided I’m going to start doing this. I’m not taking it to the extreme that George did, meaning I’m not going to change the food I order just to do the opposite. I will start doing the opposite for major things in my life though. A good friend and I had an argument the other night and things didn’t turn out all that well and might have permanently damaged our friendship and it was over something that was really stupid and it just got out of hand in a hurry. In the future I’d like to avoid such things and maybe doing the opposite is exactly what I need to help me out. I’ll keep you posted on my little experiment.

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed.  The procedure went by really quick and I didn’t feel much pain. They hooked up the IV of wonderful drugs and about 15 seconds later I began to get dizzy then I fell asleep.  I woke up a couple times in the 35 minutes I was out and felt them doing things in my mouth and it hurt a little, but by the time they were done and I woke up that pain was just a distant memory.  My jaw and gums are still sore today but it hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be.  The vicodin they prescribed makes me extremely sleepy.  I’d say the worst part so far has been how swollen my face has been and how thirsty I have been.  I hope the rest of my recovery goes just as well as the past day has and really hope I don’t get dry sockets.

In other news, I’m glad I didn’t camp out for an iPhone.  The ATT store that I would have camped out at only had 20 to sell on release day.  I went to the store today and they ordered me one.  It is supposed to be in in 7-10 days.  We’ll see how that holds up, but at least I should be getting one soon.  I’m excited about that.

I saw that the school posted an opening for my job. Good luck to whoever takes it. They are going to need it. It’s hard to do this job and stay sane. No breaks at all. I even eat lunch with the kids. 7 hours non-stop of being with the kids. That’s a long time to be with the same kids without so much as a bathroom break or 5 minutes of time to take to yourself to preserve sanity. Oh well, in 5 more days it’ll all be over. I’m so excited for the school year to be over. I’m tired of the trouble-maker kids and this job. I’m excited about starting my new job. I’m looking forward to sleeping in an hour and a half later than usual. I’m excited to be in a job where I’m not drowning in deafening silence all day long; a job where I can listen to music, talk to co-workers, leave the building if I need to. All I have to do is get through the next 5 days. They are going to be long and hard, but I think I can do it. At least, I hope I can. I’m also excited for June because the hope of a new iPhone. My contract with Verizon is up near the end of June, so I will be buying an iPhone (if the new one comes out) and switching to AT&T. I can’t wait to get it. I don’t know what I’m more excited for, the end of school or a new phone. They both happen within a week of each other, so the excitement has built up considerably.

So, at around 4:30 this morning Missouri and Illinois experienced an earthquake that registered 5.2 on the Richter scale. Everyone on the news and at work this morning was talking about it. I slept through it. Didn’t even wake me up slightly. I’m kinda bummed. Besides that tiny earthquake (around a 2) I experienced when I was like 10, I’ve never been in one. I would have liked to feel it a bit, just for the experience. It seems that no matter what nature throws at me, I can sleep through it. While in college, a tornado touched down on campus and caused a fair amount of damage. Everyone was talking about it. It made the news in St. Louis (I went to MSU in Springfield, MO) and my mom even called me to ask if I was ok. I had no idea what she was talking about and was upset she woke me up during my between-class nap. In the future nature, if you want to wake me up, you’re gonna have to try a little harder than a 5.2.

Well, I’m officially 25.  Yesterday was my birthday and now I’m a quarter of a century old.  I had a good birthday.  My parents and sisters got me exactly what I asked for and my mom cooked one of my favorite meals.  Not only that, but it was sunny, warm, and the Cardinals won.  A good day all around.

As I look back at the last couple years since college, and we all tend to look at ourselves a little more harshly around birthday time, I do realize I’m not where I want to be with my life.  The job I have is not the job I want (or need).  The people here are great, but it’s not the teaching position that I wanted to get into as soon as I got out of college.  In order to get a high school position, I may have to move.  I’ve been thinking about going back to Springfield.  I know the schools and the area to an extent, so it shouldn’t be hard to adjust.  I would rather go to Springfield than Kansas City (even though several of my college friends now live there).  I couldn’t live with Royals baseball.  Cardinals all the way!  Anyway, I have got to find a position somewhere for next school year.  Cross your fingers and hope I find something because I’m 25 now.  Too old to still be here.