Within the next month or two I hope to get a new computer. This one is on it’s last leg. It really has a hard time doing a lot of the basic tasks it used to do quite well. It still only has 512mb or ram when applications are demanding more. Try having an instance of Firefox open with multiple tabs while using Photoshop and IMs. The computer lags hardcore. So, the question is, do I go with a PC or a Mac? I really don’t want to run Windows Vista, and Linux is out of the question for me. Things just don’t seem to work right with me and Linux. I’m a bit hesitant to go the Mac route because they are a lot more expensive, harder to upgrade (and more expensive to) and it’s a completely alien OS. Everyone who has a Mac tend to love it. So, I don’t know. Macs have everything that I use most often, IM clients, IRC, Photoshop, and Firefox. I’ll still have my laptop if I need to do PC things on Windows. I wish I could mess around in OSX before I get a Mac, which is how I know I don’t want to run Linux. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? PC or Mac? Fanboys need not answer :P
My First Cards/Cubs Game
My wonderful friend Heather and her fiance had an extra ticket to the game today and invited me to go along. It was the first time I’ve been to a Cardinals v. Cubs game. The tickets for these series sell out quickly, so I’ve never been able to go in the past. It was a fun time. Unfortunately the Cardinals lost, but that’s okay. We all know that the Cubs are Completely Useless By September. We can drop a few games to the lovable losers; the team that hasn’t won a World series in 99 years. I did get to see Puj-daddy go Jimmy-Jack (Pujols hit a home run), so that was cool. The seats were nice and the day was beautiful. I hope I make it to a few more games this season. I love being downtown and I love the new Busch Stadium. I took a few pictures and posted them up on my Flickr page.
The Landlord
This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Check out this short film starring Will Ferrell and a foul-mouthed toddler. Click here to watch: The Landlord
Quite Strange
I was driving to the grocery store to pick up some cereal when I noticed the bike lanes on the right side of the road. I’ve noticed these for a long time, they weren’t new to me, but what I did notice was that there were arrows pointing on them. Normally, I would think who needs arrows in the lanes to tell them they are in the right lane? This is America, drive on the right. Oh, but I was wrong. In the bike lanes you ride on the left. How odd. Why do we ride on the left but drive on the right? It makes more sense to ride on the right, that way you’re further away from the traffic when you’re going with traffic, and closer to it when going against traffic (so you can see if a car is coming at you where as if you are closer to traffic and riding with it, you can’t). It makes no sense to me.
Didn’t Get It
I didn’t blog about it before, but a few weeks ago I had an interview with the principal of a new high school that was built and will be opening in the fall. They had one position for Social Studies. I didn’t get the job. So, I’m still searching far and wide.
A New Computer