So, I don’t know when the next time I’ll update is. The storm last night caused several power surges AS my computer was shutting down. I tried to turn the computer on this morning, and it won’t boot up. Hopefully, its just a HD problem that can be easily fixed. If not, there is no telling when I will be back. I’ll keep checking my sites and updating from work.

I got 2 As and 2 B’s. 3.50 GPA this semester, and made the Dean’s list. Yay for me!

Yes, I’m back in St. Louis, on a nice internet connection too! No more crappy mediacom, it’s Charter now baby! Anyone want to help me unpack? I’ll give you a case of beer. Come on, you know you want to…..

This is very interesting, and scary in a way as well.

US researchers have devised a simple robot that can make copies of itself from spare parts.

Writing in Nature, the robot’s creators say their experiment shows the ability to reproduce is not unique to biology. Read more

So, I worked my last few hours in the Computer Labs today. It was sad to leave some good friends that I have made and might not ever see again. I will try my best to keep in touch with people like Adam, Caleb, and Cara. I have no doubt that I will see Anna, being that she is going to marry my good friend Matt. It was sad walking out of that lab for the last time. I will miss these guys. Keep in touch everyone, you really don’t know how much I enjoyed your company this year. Good luck in your futures. You know my website, and I know yours. Caleb and Cara, train the lab newbs well.