Tag Archive for: Nader

It seems to me, and this is based on various people I know, blogs I read, etc, that the same people who supported Ralph Nader in 2000 are the same people that are supporting Ron Paul this election. The funny thing is, the platforms of both men are not that similar at all. So what makes these people jump beliefs. Are they really just sheep? Morydd in #habari made a good point. The supporters are “rebels” fighting the “establishment.” Doesn’t matter if the candidates have different beliefs than the supporters. They just want to be cool and vote for the guy who is the most different. They don’t have to actually believe what the candidate is saying. Morydd also said that “if you back a candidate who has extreme views, and is unelectable, you guarantee yourself at least 4 years of holier-than-thou ‘If my candidate had won, this would all be different.'” Again, a very good point, because that is the exact type of attitude established by any of the Ron Paul supporters you talk to. Interesting.