The Crazy Weekend that Was

A purse snatching, a half naked guy rushing the stage, and more drunken debauchery.

Friday night we decided to go to the Outland to see WSG play. We were enjoying the show. We saw the opening band and half of WSG’s set with no problem, except for the annoying weird guy that kept trying to dance with everyone. We could deal with that though. The next line in the story was when it got crazy. We go back to the table and Lauren’s purse had been stolen. So we go to the back of the club (which is near our table) and Lauren and Lindy find her purse next to this guy that looked suspect. So Lindy searches him and I guess he didn’t have shit. I told them to keep him there and got one of the guys that worked at the Outland. I told him some stuff was about to go down because this guy was being a huge prick. I also got charlie and lindy’s date Jeff. Well we go back and the dude disappeared and lindy and lauren don’t know where he went. We go to the club next door (the outland and the high life share bathrooms) and he’s in there standing against the wall. The outland bartender goes up to the bar at the high life and tells them what’s going on. We turn around and the dude was gone. We went outside and didn’t see him anywhere. I go back in and search both places. By now i am pissed. We go back outside and he is there. What a dumb thief. The only thing he did was take off his skull cap. Like that would make him look different. We all go out there, including two people who work at both clubs. We are all talking to the dude. He really was acting like he didn’t steal anything. He said lindy searched him, but obviously not good enough. He was getting in my face saying i was accusing him. I told him i’m just trying to find the girls stuff. he was trying to start some stuff. he was probably an inch away from my face yelling about how he’d been in jail 3 times. One of the bouncers pulled me away saying it wasn’t worth it cause the cops were on their way. as i’m getting pulled away i say “have fun in jail for the 4th time, fudgepacker.” Just then 4 cops walking up the street by coincedence come and everything is explained. The guy was still acting like he didn’t do anything. the cop that was handling lauren was really cool and trying to calm her down. the cop that was questioning the guy was about to let him go but our cop asked if he was searched. They searched him and found her debit card, money, and car keys. The only thing that was not found was her cell-phone. Well, the guy was cuffed and taken away in the Patty Wagon…. To be nice i gave him a nice friendly gesture (the finger) to have something to think about on the way to jail.

The other crazy thing that happened while we were dealing with the cops was in the outland. While WSG was playing, a guy wearing only his boxers rushed the stage and fell on Shuckie (the guitar player) and made him fall over. I don’t know what else happened with that because we were outside. Weird.

Also, like to thank my mom and sister for coming down and buying me things, :) I appreciate it.

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