Rush’s Words

“And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam ‘allegedly’ gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a ‘war criminal’ or ‘committing crimes against humanity’ is the same old thing. Liberal Hate Speech! And speaking of poison gas…I say we round up all the drug addicts and gas them.”- Rush Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988

Interesting isn’t it. Goes to show how the liberal media doesn’t exist and how the right manipulates the country with their rhetoric.

6 replies
  1. shep
    shep says:

    thanks for pointing this out. still doesn’t change the fact that limbaugh is a hypocrite, but thanks nonetheless

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    “thanks for pointing this out. still doesn’t change the fact that limbaugh is a hypocrite”

    Actuially, when al you have are phony quotes to prove that he is a hypocrite, then it does change it.

  3. shep
    shep says:

    actually, my blog isn’t set out to prove that rush is a hypocrite and idiotic. if it were, there would have been a lot more posts doing so. since you are hell-bent on me proving it to you, i will.

    Limbaugh lectured Dan Rather on a sexist comment he made, but lets look at rush’s comments:


    On April 26, Limbaugh claimed that women “actually wish” for sexual harassment, and said he then “laughed [him]self to tears” when MMFA documented that and other sexist remarks Limbaugh has made. The MMFA report also noted that Limbaugh used the term “femi-Nazis” eight times between March 15 and April 29.

    Responding to an Associated Press report that four women had been recently appointed as chiefs of police in four major U.S. cities, Limbaugh referenced the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib as follows on May 27: “If we’ve got four new female police chiefs out there, then I guess we can watch out for some naked pyramids among prisoners in these new jailhouses that these women ran, because we had a woman running the prison in Abu Grab [sic].”

    On June 14, Limbaugh shared with listeners his “pet name” for the National Organization for Women (NOW): “National Association of Gals” (his acronym: “NAG”). Limbaugh claimed that the “militant feminists” who make up the “NAGs” “aren’t determining who wins elections. White men are.”

    On July 15, Limbaugh revived the false rumor of Senator John Kerry’s alleged affair with journalist Alexandra Polier, and advised Kerry to “keep that babe in Africa.”

    Limbaugh noted on August 9 than in recent television appearances, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd appeared “just joyless,” “miserable,” and “did not seem happy at all.” Limbaugh then concluded: “[m]ust be a guy. Isn’t it always a guy when a woman’s unhappy?”

    or how bout drugs,

    “Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.”
    and then we all know what happened with oxyconton (or whatever its called)

    or how about the sanctity of marraige, which he lost because of his drug habbit.

    i could go on, but why spend so much time on an idiot when i have finals to study for and papers to write.

  4. anonymous
    anonymous says:

    Okay, when do you start to prove it?

    ***checking watch***

    “On July 15, Limbaugh revived the false rumor of Senator John Kerry?s alleged affair with journalist Alexandra Polier, and advised Kerry to ?keep that babe in Africa.?”

    False description of events. Limbaugh was doing a parody of clinton giving advice to Kerry:

    Imitating former President Bill Clinton, Limbaugh purported to give Kerry advice :

    From the July 15 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

    LIMBAUGH [imitating Clinton]: John, whatever you do, keep that babe in Africa [Polier was living in Kenya when the false story broke]. Don’t let her come back here. I’ve been there, too, and this is not a good thing. What was her name? Alex? Yeah. (Laughing) … Stay away from any more of these. You don’t have to write a book like I had to write.

    “or how about the sanctity of marraige, which he lost because of his drug habbit”


    I’d go on with examples of what else you got wrong, but its clear that you cut and pasted the above because you havent a mind of your own. Instead, you let Brock do your thinking for you.

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