There is a new look, for now. You all know how often I change the look, and with WP 1.5, it’s a lot easier to do so.

I also added the “Listening to” section in the sidebar via a plugin I saw at Gregory Bowers’ excellent site.

I will also be using the WP-People plug in as soon as I add people to my database. What it does is when a person’s name is put in a post, it links their name to a bio about the person. So if there is a person I talk about a lot on the blog, you can click their name and a short bio and other info will pop-up. Pretty cool stuff.

EDIT: I changed my Listening to plugin, after seeing a better, newer version on another site. Check it out here: WP-Scrobbler

1 reply
  1. gb
    gb says:

    I looked at using wp-scrobbler, but I wasn’t keen on the idea of having javascript write the contents.

    Thanks for the kind words on the site, though. :)

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