On Father’s Day we all took a trip down to the city to look at the progress of the new Cardinals baseball stadium. This picture sums it up. Three generations of Cardinals fans. Me on the left, my nephew Cameron in the middle, and my dad on the right.
Yet another reason why I think religion is inherently bad.
A trainee nun who was crucified in an exorcism at a monastery in eastern Romania and left to die has been buried in a religious ceremony.
I recieved my first school for student teaching. I will be teaching at my old high school, Fort Zumwalt South. The teacher I will be teaching under is not one I had while in school, but he was there when I was. I’ve met him since I graduated and he is a really nice guy. I still don’t know where I will be doing my second block of student teaching. Francis Howell couldn’t place me.

Happy Birthday to Tupac Amaru Shakur. He would have been 34 today. Rest in Peace Tupac
Please take some time out to sign the petition to save PBS and NPR. These two stations are the only public stations left. They need your support.
The House is threatening to eliminate all public funding for NPR and PBS, starting with “Sesame Street,” “Reading Rainbow” and other commercial-free children’s shows. Sign our petition to Congress opposing these massive cuts to public broadcasting. Tell your senators and representative:
“Congress must save NPR, PBS and local public stations. We trust them for in-depth news and educational children’s programming. It’s money well spent.”
Please sign the petition here: Save Big Bird!