
Blog it Forward

I bought blogitforward.com a while back. After not doing anything with it for a long time, I decided to do something. People in #wordpress suggested I make a mock web 2.0 site and have it link back to blogitback.com (which I also own) and have that link back to blogitforward.com. I was trying to think of something cool to do this but came up a blank. I moved on with no ideas and was looking for a cool sand game that Podz suggested. I couldn’t find the link anywhere and Podz was nowhere to be found. Finally, I remembered I took a screenshot to show Podz. It was when Podz finally came back around that he recommended I run scuttle for all the bookmarks that I don’t want clogging up Firefox or my links on my blog. So, in about 10 minutes, I had Scuttle up and running on blogitforward.com. Anyone can register and dump those cool links that they can always have access to. Sign up and start linking! I’ve listed a few already.