Missing Links

While browsing a blog last night I happened to notice that I was not listed in the author’s blogroll anymore. It’s a weird feeling (for me anyway) to notice that you are deemed no longer worthy of the precious link space on a website. Thinking about it, I believe I know why I was removed. I think I was removed because this person and I disagreed on a third party issue. That makes it even more curious that a disagreement like that would cause my site to be removed. I respect this author a lot and never thought they would remove someone because of their opinions on a subject (if that’s what they indeed did). Of course, I could just be imagining things. It could be that they just don’t like what I write about anymore. I don’t know.

2 replies
  1. Matt
    Matt says:

    Your post made caused me to immediately check your blogroll. It looks like you still like my content.

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