Goodbye msnbot

User-agent: msnbot
Disallow: /

Yes, I’ve blocked you msnbot. I’m tired of finding you in my stats coming from random searches that don’t even show my site in the search results, such as “keeping,” “album,” “comments,” or any of the other thousand or so one word searches you come to my site for. I don’t show up in your search results (at least not high enough for me to care) nor do I really want to show up in the top 100 pages in search results for the word “keeping.” So, you are no longer welcome here. I don’t want to see you on my property anymore. I don’t really care that this may drop me out of’s search altogether. It’s a crappy search engine and anyone who uses it is an idiot and shouldn’t come to my site anyway. So, in conclusion, stop visiting my site msnbot. You’re not welcome here.