Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus tonight.

With all Democratic precincts reporting, Obama had the support of 38 percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29 percent for Hillary Clinton.

“The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and experience, and change won,” said CNN political analyst Bill Schneider.

It doesn’t surprise me that he won, he is a great choice for a candidate. What surprises me is that Hillary came in third. I was expecting her to be number two. What a ticket Obama and Edwards would be. Two young, energetic, smart guys. I would totally vote for that ticket. Make sure you donate to Obama’s campaign!

I just took a test to see who my ideal candidate would be, meaning who represents my interests best. No surprise here. Barack Obama represents what I believe in. We have an 84% similarity rating. The two we disagreed on were gay rights and medical marijuana, which I am more liberal on than him. Nowhere near me in similarity rating was Hilary Clinton. Not surprising there. Check out who your ideal candidate it over at Glassbooth.

I am supporting Barack Obama’s run for the Democratic nominee for President of the United States of America. Why? In short, I like his stance on the issues, I think he is a man of integrity, and I respect him. I also think he is a better choice than Hillary. You may notice the meter on the left. It is not real time. I wish it was, but the one on my donation page is. I will, however, be updating that image with the most current stats. My goal is to raise $1000. That may be a bit high because most people I know don’t really donate towards political campaigns, but this one is worth it, I assure you. Obama is the real deal. So please, if you care about the future of America feel free to donate towards his campaign.

Do you ever sit back and laugh (and cry) at some of the dumb antics the Bush Administration engages in? Does it seem too crazy to be true, like you’re almost watching a TV show? Well, Peter Norvig asks, what if the Bush Administration was a remake of Gilligan’s Island? This is what he came up with:

Plot Synopses for Episodes of a Gilligan’s Island Remake Starring Members of the Bush Administration.


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Gilligan invades a neighboring island of cannibals. He mistakenly believes that Mary Ann and Ginger would be a sufficient force to secure the island, and Skipper erroneously claims they would be welcome as liberators.

A hurricane hits the island. Gilligan does nothing to help, but tells Mrs. Howell, “Lovey, you’re doing a heck of a job.”

Skipper goes hunting for fowl on the island and accidentally shoots Mr. Howell in the face, then waits a day before telling Gilligan.

The professor’s experiments conclusively show that climate change is causing the island to sink into the sea. Gilligan erases his papers and tries to stop him from talking, thinking that will make the problem go away.

Ann Coulter is still flapping her big mouth. Like I said before, she needs to shut the hell up. She’s not attacking Edwards or 9/11 widows this time, instead she’s saying that all women should lose the right to vote.

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.” Source

How can anyone take this woman seriously? It’s really sad.