While in college I never really watched any traditional programming. I was either too busy working, writing papers, studying, or going out to watch programs on TV regularly. Since out of college, I have become a glutton with TV. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t spend all my time watching and recording shows, but compared to the regular programming I watched in college and what I watch now, the number has gone up dramatically. It could be because I have more time, better programming, or other things. I typically am a movie guy, but there is some damn good TV out there. I’ve been watching Lost and House for a few seasons now. This year, I got into Studio 60, Heroes, Scrubs, and The Office. There is a new show on NBC tonight that I’m looking forward to seeing. It’s called Thank God You’re Here. I love improv comedy, and that’s what this is. The premise is a bunch of famous TV actors and comedians suited up in a costume and thrown out onto a set without knowing anything that’s going on and have to improv a funny scene based on the setting and what the other characters say. I think this could be very funny, along the same lines, albeit with less structure, as Who’s Line is it Anyway?. So, another show to add to my list of shows I currently watch. I really should quit watching so much TV, but the shows I mentioned are so good that I can’t help but watch them.
EDIT: I forgot to mention one of my favorite shows, Entourage. Part 2 of season 3 began last night on HBO and it looks to be a great second half of the season.
Ivan Tucakov- Cinnabar Mix
This song is a very good song from the album Café del Mar – Volumen 13. Ivan Tucakov is a world music composer, guitarist, producer and promoter currently living in Vancouver, Canada. The song is a great example of Latin jazz and it really showcases Tucakov as a great musician. His guitar on the song is quite amazing and hypnotizing. Listen and enjoy friends.
[audio:http://pieceofshep.com/audio/11-IvanTucakov-CinnabarMix.mp3]A Literary Legend Passes
From the NYT:
Television Gluttony
EDIT: I forgot to mention one of my favorite shows, Entourage. Part 2 of season 3 began last night on HBO and it looks to be a great second half of the season.
24 Years Ago…
24 years ago today, I was born. So was Mike Goodspeed, my old high school friend. So make sure you wish him a happy birthday as well. Tonight we’re going to the Big Bang piano bar in downtown St. Louis.
Great Movies You Probably Didn’t See
There are so many good movies that have come out that most people didn’t see. It’s a shame that these movies don’t get more recognition or bigger releases because they are much better than what’s at every corner movie theater. I mean, come on, The Hills Have Eyes 2? Are you kidding me? There are a few movies I’ve found because of Netflix or Blockbuster Online. Some of my favorite movies are independent movies that aren’t really independent. When I’m talking about independent, I don’t mean Clerks or Pi where the budget was in the thousands. These have budgets that go through more money than I’ll ever see in my life (The Boondock Saints had a $6 million budget). These numbers are still relatively small compared to the $300 it takes to make movies like Superman Returns. Some of the best ones that I think more people need to see are movies like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. This movie had such great performances by Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer. Not only were the performances great, but the story was great as well. Another small-time movie that I loved was The Salton Sea. This one also stars Val Kilmer. People don’t give him enough credit as an actor. He is really good. One movie that had a large budget with well-known actors but didn’t last long in theaters was Lucky Number Sleven. I’m not really a fan of Josh Hartnet, but he was excellent, as was Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman. The story was such a good story as well. Everything about that movie I like.
10th and Wolf was basicallyThe Departed or even the failed TV show The Black Donnellys on a smaller budget with lesser-known actors. Same type of characters with the same setting. A Scanner Darkly was a great movie based on a great Philip K. Dick novel that should have enjoyed a wider release. It amazes me that great movies like these go unseen by many while crappy movies get released to every major movie theater and make millions. I guess that should say something about the general public.