These are things i need to finish (or start) by the end of the semester:

  • Finish HST 330 Paper
  • Start and finish HST 551 Paper
  • Write one more lesson plan
  • Write two responses for two lesson plans
  • Internet critique for HST 418
  • See two more plays for THE 101
  • Compare/Contrast paper for THE 101
  • Two more artifacts for e-Portfolio
  • Finals
  • Now, I want to die. That’s a lot of work in two weeks.

    I read this at Caleb’s blog and decided to post it here because it was so funny. It’s some guy’s argument that President Whitmore (Bill Pullman) from Independence Day was a Republican based on deleted scenes.

    Yes, Whitmore is a Republican, but you?d only know it for sure from watching the director?s cut.

    The director?s cut includes a long sequence where we see that Whitmore ignored months of warnings leading up to the aliens? attack. One particularly poignant scene shows Whitmore receiving a daily briefing entitled ?Aliens Determined to Attack US.? Seeing that the briefing is more than one page long, Whitmore decides it?s too long to be bothered with and he deposits it in the trash. Read more

    I’m just about finished with my paper “Tryin? to Make a Dollar Out of Fifteen Cent: The Emergence of Hip Hop as an Industry.” I’ll post a link to it after I turn it in on Friday. Now all I have to do is a bunch of work in HST 418, a 10 page paper in HST 551, and two papers in THE 101.

    All this with three weeks left. Oh well. I usually work well under pressure. I hope I still do this semester.

    Jacob and Cameron

    My cousin Jacob and nephew Cameron on Easter. Click the picture for more b-day and Easter pics (new ones too!)

    There is talk of WordPress t-shirts. I came up with a “design.”

    WP T-shirt

    Also, I am using a new plugin. It is a Firefox download count plugin. It’s pretty sweet. Photomatt created it.