It was a pen, but not just any pen…. this pen:

On a more serious note, here was the response released from the Kerry campaign:
October 4, 2004 — Was John Kerry trying to pull something at the debate last week?
That question was burning up the Internet yesterday after a slo-mo review of the footage showed the Massachusetts senator taking an object out of his right pocket before the first question.
Was it a cheat sheet ? as some conservative bloggers claimed ? or was it something innocuous?
Either way, it would violate the debate rules agreed to by both campaigns: “No props, notes . . . or other tangible things may be brought into the debate.”
Many blogs offered links to the “Pocket-gate” footage. One, INDC Journal, even posted frame-by-frame stills purporting to show Kerry pulling out a notecard and placing it onto the podium.
But the mystery was solved when The Post reviewed a Fox News Channel feed from Thursday’s debate: Kerry pulled out . . . a black pen.
Kerry campaign spokesman David Wade remained angry at the bloggers’ guilt-by-insinuation.
“The right-wing attack machine will say anything to steal a debate do-over,” he said.
“We plead guilty to having a pen.”
The Bush campaign did not comment.
John Kerry Did Pull Something Out
It was a pen, but not just any pen…. this pen:
On a more serious note, here was the response released from the Kerry campaign:
A Different Picture of Iraq
With the Bush Administration painting a rosey picture of Iraq, lets take a look at what other people are saying about it. This one in particular interests me (and is partly in response to Eric’s comment on the political cartoons).
From Baghdad
A Wall Street Journal Reporter’s E-Mail to Friends
by Farnaz Fassihi
Being a foreign correspondent in Baghdad these days is like being under virtual house arrest. Forget about the reasons that lured me to this job: a chance to see the world, explore the exotic, meet new people in far away lands, discover their ways and tell stories that could make a difference.
Read more
Stooping Low
The Republicans are scared. So scared they have started making up stories. These two have come out in the last few days.
Did Kerry have a Cheat Sheet?
This article claims Kerry had a cheat sheet during the Debates based on a blurry picture wehre Kerry removes something from his pocket right before the debate. Gee Drudge Report (hardly a reliable news source), have you ever heard of a pen?
The second story comes from an equally questionable “news” source, Fox News.
The Guardian ran a story on how Fox News apologized for airing quotes from Kerry that never existed. The website carried fabricated quotes attributed to John Kerry, in which he called himself a “metrosexual” who enjoys getting manicures.
How low will they go? Only time will tell.
You Forgot About Poland…
Everyone knows those famous lines uttered by Bush in the debates last week. He was talking about how Poland is a great ally and Kerry kept forgetting about Poland. Well, it seems Poland would like to forget Iraq. They are pulling out their troops.
Read the story here.
Keeping America Scared
Keeping America Scared
The epitamy of the Bush Campaign