Let me start this post by saying I love my MacBook. I use it every single day and am not disappointed in my purchase in the least. In fact, unless the next Windows blows me away (or the current version of Linux out there) my next desktop computer will probably be a Mac. That being said, I just love how Apple’s mantra is (or was) It just works. I’ll give you an example that I came across yesterday of it not working.
We all know that OSX Leopard update 10.5.2 came out on Monday. I upgraded, welcoming all the new fixes and updates. They changed Stacks a bit, which is good, but I still wish they would make Stacks how it was originally supposed to be. I want to create a stack on the dock for, say, all my communication apps: Adium, iChat, Colloquy. I want to click on that stack and have it expand to show those apps. The video for stacks before Leopard came out did exactly that, then the feature was removed. This post isn’t about that though. Stacks worked for me, even if it isn’t how I want it to work. My problem was with Time Machine.
I don’t keep my MacBook hooked up to the external drive at all times. In fact, I only hook it up when I want to make a backup. After updating to 10.5.2 on Monday I decided to make a Time Machine backup. The only changes that really occurred since the last Time Machine backup were adding maybe two files to the Documents folder. So I run Time Machine and it said Preparing backup. 30 minutes later, it still said the same thing. After about 45 minutes I decide to cancel the backup and try again later. Tuesday (on my snow day) I try again. It sat at Preparing backup for an hour before I canceled it. I go do some searching on the Apple forums and find numerous other people having problems backing up since 10.5.2. One solution that a user found was erasing the drive and starting over. I figured, why not, everything is still on here, it won’t hurt to erase the disk so I can backup again. So, I do it and what do you know? Time Machine works again. So, Apple, you release updates to fix the broken and you wind up breaking more stuff. Seems like a lot of Apple things don’t just work lately. Keep it up and I’m going to start calling you Microsoft. ;)
The World Can be Saved (by the Bell)
Yes, if everyone in the world watched this show the world would be a much better place. Just think about it for a second. SBTB addresses every major concern that plagues this world. Let’s examine how SBTB could help make the world a better place. The gang, consisting of Zack, Kelly, Lisa, Slater, Jessie, Screech, and for half a season, Tori, faced all these harsh world realities and survived. Let’s see how. Read more
Random Weird Quotes From a Friend
I have a good friend that makes me laugh a lot. When we talk via IM, I have to look back and re-read some of the things that are said because she cracks me up. Some seem completely random and others make some sense in the context. Either way, they always brighten up my day.
In talking about World of Warcraft: i think when i hit 69… i’m going to stay there forever. until 69 stops being funny to me
potstickers suck my ass and not in a good way
Me: so i told her not to madonna on me (pretend to be british when you’re not)
Me: that shall be the new catch phrase
Friend: shall
Friend!: you british geek
Me: shall isn’t british
Friend: shall is pompous
Me: but i had someone just tell me something was brilliant
Friend: tisn’t it?
Me: no, tisn’t
Friend: jolly good
Me: pip pip, cheerio
Friend: bloody hell
Me: wanker
Friend: bollocks!
Me: wicked googly
i just uttered the phrase “put that superman belt in your bookbag”
Friend: i don’t mean this in a sexual way
Friend: but
Friend: i’m not wearing any underwear
Friend: rofl
BENIHANA is my jesus
you ever cough so hard that you’re afraid you’ll wet yourself?
Why I Will Not Vote if Clinton Wins
If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic Party’s nomination without winning the popular vote, I will not vote in the Presidential election. People who know me know that I’m deeply interested in politics and think that voting is one of the most important things you can do, but I will not vote for someone who is put in place by a few elite party members when the majority of the party votes for someone else (Obama).
So, she’s saying that even though the majority of the people don’t want her to be the nomination, she’s going to stay in it anyway. That is certainly not democratic.
You may ask why I don’t vote for McCain then. That’s simple, while I respect McCain, I think he would be a terrible president and I think he would continue bad policies that have led this country in the wrong direction under Bush. So, if Hillary steals the Democratic nomination, I will not vote. I will watch her lose against McCain. She’s too divisive of a person to beat McCain. I’m in her party and I don’t like her (though, I was a fan of Bill). When McCain wins, the country will be in even more trouble. All because of Hillary.
It Just (doesn’t) Work(s)
Let me start this post by saying I love my MacBook. I use it every single day and am not disappointed in my purchase in the least. In fact, unless the next Windows blows me away (or the current version of Linux out there) my next desktop computer will probably be a Mac. That being said, I just love how Apple’s mantra is (or was) It just works. I’ll give you an example that I came across yesterday of it not working.
We all know that OSX Leopard update 10.5.2 came out on Monday. I upgraded, welcoming all the new fixes and updates. They changed Stacks a bit, which is good, but I still wish they would make Stacks how it was originally supposed to be. I want to create a stack on the dock for, say, all my communication apps: Adium, iChat, Colloquy. I want to click on that stack and have it expand to show those apps. The video for stacks before Leopard came out did exactly that, then the feature was removed. This post isn’t about that though. Stacks worked for me, even if it isn’t how I want it to work. My problem was with Time Machine.
I don’t keep my MacBook hooked up to the external drive at all times. In fact, I only hook it up when I want to make a backup. After updating to 10.5.2 on Monday I decided to make a Time Machine backup. The only changes that really occurred since the last Time Machine backup were adding maybe two files to the Documents folder. So I run Time Machine and it said Preparing backup. 30 minutes later, it still said the same thing. After about 45 minutes I decide to cancel the backup and try again later. Tuesday (on my snow day) I try again. It sat at Preparing backup for an hour before I canceled it. I go do some searching on the Apple forums and find numerous other people having problems backing up since 10.5.2. One solution that a user found was erasing the drive and starting over. I figured, why not, everything is still on here, it won’t hurt to erase the disk so I can backup again. So, I do it and what do you know? Time Machine works again. So, Apple, you release updates to fix the broken and you wind up breaking more stuff. Seems like a lot of Apple things don’t just work lately. Keep it up and I’m going to start calling you Microsoft. ;)
Some Change for Change
Today is Lincoln’s birthday. In celebration of today, what not donate a little change for someone who can bring about real change? I am, of course, talking about Barack Obama. Throw him a couple Lincolns (a $5 bill and a penny for $5.01, or multiples thereof) and help take back the White House. Please, donate now!