Tag Archive for: Barack Obama

Hillary really is losing it. By it I mean her mind, the small amount of respect many people have left for her, the country, her future in politics, etc. Obama won North Carolina last night by a wide margin. Hillary barely won Indiana. I mean barely. If you ask her though, she’s still the favorite candidate for the country. All the states that voted for Obama don’t matter. Her slim victory (by just thousands of votes) in Indiana is a mandate. CNN reported that 1 in 10 voters in Indiana were Republicans voting for Hillary (thanks to Rush Limbaugh) because she is the weaker candidate. Take out those votes, and she would have lost Indiana. She really hasn’t got a clue.

Hillary needs to drop out. Now. She continues to hurt her party, run negative campaigns, lies, and now apparently, tries to buy Super Delegate votes. It’s time for her to face the music, do what’s best for the party and the country, and end her run. I don’t think she will though. I think she’d rather see John McCain win the election, that way she can have a shot again in 2012. She doesn’t care about the country, the people, or the party. She cares about herself, and that’s it. Super Delegates need to end this now and throw their support behind a candidate that can and will win. Hillary Clinton is an embarrassment to the party and the country.

I’ve been noticing a lot of similarities between Congressman Matt Santos from TV’s The West Wing and Senator Barack Obama and have been wanting to write about it. The similarities between the two candidates are uncanny. They both have to overcome race issues, take on prominent Democratic frontrunners, and a moderate Republican. Even in the TV show, the Democrats were torn all the way up to the National Convention when Santos was finally declared the official nominee. Is that going to happen with Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton? Time will tell. My sister sent me a link to this video and I realized I wasn’t just reaching with these thoughts. Santos was based on Obama and his Senate campaign.

If you want to see the similarities between Santos and Obama explained check out this video.

Last night we saw Barack Obama win his 9th and 10th consecutive victories in the race to become the Democratic candidate for President. Hawaii and Wisconsin both chose Mr. Obama over Hillary Clinton. These are no long insignificant victories, as Mrs. Clinton’s campaign was saying after Mr. Obama’s South Carolina win. She’s got some serious fighting to do if she wants to stay in, but I think she should drop out and not rely on the Super Delegates, who do not have to vote the way people want, in order to win the Democratic nomination. Leslie Sanchez, a Republican strategist, stated on CNN

I think there’s probably the biggest underreported story: She’s (Hillary Clinton) had nine significant losses. If it were reversed and Barack Obama had those losses, we’d be saying he’s an irrelevant candidate. I mean that’s the biggest story. She had all the toys in the sandbox — the money, the consultants and every type of Democratic establishment behind her — and she still fails to win.

Very well put. Do we (the Democrats) really want someone who has all the “toys” and still can’t win? That doesn’t look good if she has to go up against John McCain in the fall.

If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic Party’s nomination without winning the popular vote, I will not vote in the Presidential election. People who know me know that I’m deeply interested in politics and think that voting is one of the most important things you can do, but I will not vote for someone who is put in place by a few elite party members when the majority of the party votes for someone else (Obama).

Hillary Clinton will take the Democratic nomination even if she does not win the popular vote, but persuades enough superdelegates to vote for her at the convention, her campaign advisers say.

The New York senator, who lost three primaries Tuesday night, now lags slightly behind her rival, Illinois Senator Barack Obama, in the delegate count. She is even further behind in “pledged” delegates, those assigned by virtue of primaries and caucuses.

So, she’s saying that even though the majority of the people don’t want her to be the nomination, she’s going to stay in it anyway. That is certainly not democratic.

You may ask why I don’t vote for McCain then. That’s simple, while I respect McCain, I think he would be a terrible president and I think he would continue bad policies that have led this country in the wrong direction under Bush. So, if Hillary steals the Democratic nomination, I will not vote. I will watch her lose against McCain. She’s too divisive of a person to beat McCain. I’m in her party and I don’t like her (though, I was a fan of Bill). When McCain wins, the country will be in even more trouble. All because of Hillary.

Today is Lincoln’s birthday. In celebration of today, what not donate a little change for someone who can bring about real change? I am, of course, talking about Barack Obama. Throw him a couple Lincolns (a $5 bill and a penny for $5.01, or multiples thereof) and help take back the White House. Please, donate now!