I understand how nice google ads are for websites. Not only do they generate revenue, but they place ads that are relevant to what is on your site. That being said, what I don’t get is the fact that more and more personal bloggers are using them on their site. My problems with this are:
1) Most bloggers don’t generate enough traffic to make the ads worth it. A site of mine generates a fair amount of traffic, but the $ recieved is only about 25 cents a day.
2) Most blogs are personal, so what ads could actually be placed? Most ads are of stuff that no one would really be interested in buying.
3) IMO it makes your personal blog look tacky.
I for one will be boycotting google ads on my blog. It wouldn’t be worth it, even though I do generate a fair amount of traffic. Would the 10 cents a day be worth it? No. What I have to say is personal, even though I do post articles of scientific and politcal nature quite frequently. So fellow bloggers, ask yourself, is it really worth it?