For a day I had no internet service and our cable TV was very fuzzy. After talking to three different people, all who take the word “service” our of customer service, the best answer I could get was they could call us within the next 48 hours to SET UP AN APPOINTMENT to check what the problem was. Why am I paying for a service, and it is a service, in which I get nothing in return. We all had papers and speeches to write so having no internet was not a good thing. We explained to Mediacom that we are college students that are working on school assignments and we needed the net back ASAP and their response is, “maybe you shouldn’t rely on the service if it is that important.” Oh really, I shouldn’t rely on a service that I pay for, that is marketed as being reliable? Then they told us to maybe have a backup service or change services. Well, I didn’t know it was your job as a Mediacom employee to tell customers that your service is crappy and unreliable and tell them to find other services.
If we didn’t only live here for 1 more paying month, we would switch. I will NEVER use Mediacom’s crappy “service” again, and I urge everyone else not to either. Sattelite is becoming a better value, and DSL via SBC is just as good, if not better, than Mediacom.
Contact Mediacom to tell them how crappy their service is here: Contact Mediacom