
Digg This, I Got Dugg

With only being on my new host for a week, I got Dugg. What’s funny is the post that was submitted to Digg is from November of 2005. But hey, I don’t mind, it’s bringing some nice traffic to my site and will help test how my new host handles it. Thanks to those who dugg my post.

2 replies
  1. Mike Goodspeed
    Mike Goodspeed says:

    Why did you leave your last host? Did they do something wrong? Obviously I’m looking into paid hosting now that my servers can’t take the heat any longer.

  2. shep
    shep says:

    i used a small orange as my last host. no problems with them, but i was using it to only host this blog. i was using another host to host some other websites where i needed tons of space and bandwidth. that host expires in feb, so i moved and consolidated to one host. i went with computech because the owner hangs out in #wordpress on irc and is based in st. louis, so i know it’s not hard to get a hold of him. i still would recommend asmallorange. they are more expensive than value hosts, but support is outstanding.

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