It be that time of yearrrr again me hearties. September the 19th be that day where we fill our bellies with grog and celebrate a pirate’s life. So me buccaneers, grab ye wenches, hide the booty, and pillage and plunder til der be no more to plunder. Arrrr.

In case you need some help with your pirate lingo, check out this translator here.

Some pirate jokes to leave you with on International Talk Like a Pirate Day:

Q: How much did the pirate pay for his earrings?

A: They were a buck-an-ear.

Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite movie?

A: One that is rated Arrrrrr

I was in IRC today and came up with the perfect iPhone feature that needs to be implemented within the next 10 days. It is quite brilliant and can save the world of technology from one of their biggest problems….. fanboys.

SHRIKEE does the iPhone have teleport?
shep no… but i’m hoping it has a self destruct button so all the fan boys will be wiped off the planet :D
SHRIKEE i wont use that button
shep yes you will
SHRIKEE and so wouldnt any fanboy
shep cause it will be pretty
shep and it will cost extra to press
shep so all the fanboys will press it. because they want to show how cool and pretty their stuff is
shep it’s quite brilliant actually

One of these days Apple is going to take a shit in a box and call it the iTurd and it will cost $500. They will sell out within 2 hours of their release.

I thought this video was funny. These are the Nintendo Wii games that didn’t make it on WiiPlay.

By the way, if anyone wants to buy me a Wii, I still don’t have one. :(

This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Check out this short film starring Will Ferrell and a foul-mouthed toddler. Click here to watch: The Landlord

It is no secret that teachers consume alcohol and sometime in large quantities. Sometimes it is just socializing after the football game or parent-teacher conference, but most of the time it is a way to forget the spoiled kids they deal with for 8 hours a day, 185 days a year.

Below is how the average subject teacher probably drinks.


Females will drink wine or martinis. Generally is a slow drinker and will only have a few before going home.
Males go after Scotch or something on the high end of the market. May drink beer but mostly Guinness, Bass, or Stella. Usually English teachers are the last ones to the bar and the first ones to leave. Read more