Something for my friends that enjoy the holidays.

This I remember from when I was a kid. In fact, I still have this on tape somewhere. We used to watch this cartoon every Christmas, along with some other Christmas specials that were on the tape. If you can sit through the commercials, give it a shot and watch the Smurfs Christmas Special. I’m sure you’ll be able to find this on the net somewhere to download, if not, AOL has it for free. But typical AOL, you will have to sit through commercials. Reminds me of that thing I used to watch back in the day. What was it called? Oh yeah, TV. How far we’ve come with DVR and on demand programming. No wonder the networks are afraid of losing advertising dollars.

A great friend sent me this link. I thought I’d share it with you all. It should be noted that it might not be suitable for children. See how far you can Smack the Penguin.

Both of these go out to a very special friend, who may or may not ever read this. I’ll remember you always. Take care of yourself. We’ll always have the rain.

Tony vs. Paul

Caleb posted this over in facebook. I thought it was cool so I thought I’d share

This story originally appeared Nov. 2 in the satirical online newspaper The Onion.

ST. LOUIS — Calling Friday night’s victory on baseball’s grandest stage “a terrible mistake,” members of the St. Louis Cardinals issued a formal apology for making the playoffs, winning the World Series, and depriving baseball fans everywhere of a season featuring the kind of heartwarming, storybook ending to which they have grown accustomed in recent years. Read more

This is kind of old, about a week now, but I just now saw it and thought I’d post it up. It’s from The Late Show with David Letterman. Here are his “Top 10 Yankee Excuses” (for not getting to the World Series):

* Wanted Columbus Day off to get to all the sales.
* Thought series was best 6 out of 11.
* We’ve already missed the first three episodes of “Grey’s Anatomy” — enough is enough.
* Thought Joe Torre told us to give 10 percent.
* Players distracted by erotic text messages from Mark Foley.
* Shouldn’t have switched to the cheaper generic steroids.
* Clubhouse caterer replaced E. coli-tainted spinach with E. coli-tainted lettuce.
* Uh, global warming?
* More focused on how they’re going to get by on a lousy $16 million a year.
* What’s the point? North Korea’s gonna nuke us at any moment.

No, I’m not talking about the four-letter words we all love to use. This time, I am in fact talking about going to the bathroom, more specifically, urinating. I know this may seem like an odd topic to blog about, but I’ve not been posting much and I decided to post this little thing I noticed about going to the bathroom. For those not offended by pee talk, continue to read. Read more