Woke up this morning to some interesting news. Well, interesting if you live in Missouri.
Gov. Matt Blunt signed legislation on Tuesday allowing Missourians to fatally shoot intruders without fear of prosecution or lawsuits.
Not all too surprising really. We, in Missouri, like our guns, even when we don’t like them. (I’m referring to our state legislature passing a concealed weapons law allowing people to carry with a permit even though the voters said no).
The measure spells out that people are not required to retreat from an intruder and can use deadly force once the person illegally enters their home, vehicle or other dwelling, including a tent. The bill provides an absolute defense against being charged or sued for using such force.
Why do I foresee a lot of drunk camping/hunting accidents/murders involving rednecks? I mean really, a tent? Does that happen often? Someone breaks into your tent to steal all your valuables? “Well officer, he did try to take my hundred-dollar Coleman lantern. That’s worth more than my trailer. And it’s a double wide.”
Under the old law, deadly force was justified only if people believed it necessary to protect themselves or others from death or serious injury.
Wasn’t that reasonable enough? Now all they have to do is come on to your property? Why do I think Blunt had one too many door to door salesmen or Mormons show up at his door? I can probably think of a few people that I wouldn’t mind inviting over and have myself protected under this new law. I know what you’re thinking, if I invited them, then I’m not protected under this law. Well, how are you going to find that out if they’re spread out over my lawn? (No, I’m not being serious, but I can’t wait until someone actually does claim this).
The measure also gets rid of a state law requiring people to obtain permits from their local sheriffs before they can get a handgun.
Sweet. Now it’s even easier for people to have guns without telling anyone. Gun Control in Missouri is an oxymoron. And don’t give me the crap about owning more guns makes crime rates drop. In Missouri it hasn’t.
Via StLToday.com
Tech N9ne- Misery Loves Kompany
Squishee Blue
I went to 7-11 today. I felt like a Slurpee. The Slurpee was replaced by a Squishee machine, an obvious tie-in to The Simpsons movie that is coming out. As I sit there pouring my Blue Vanilla
SlurpeeSquishee, I begin to think. Why aren’t there more blue colored foods? Now, I know the color blue is rare in nature, hell, even blueberries are purple. I remember Pepsi Blue, that god awful concoction. Do they not know what blue should taste like? Pink usually tastes like bubble gum, brown like cola or caramel, yellow or white tastes like lemon or lemon-lime. I think we should designate a flavor to blue and stick with that so we can have more blue foods. And in case you were wondering, this Blue Vanilla Squishee doesn’t taste blue or vanilla. It tastes like a pina colada.New Missouri law protects killing of intruders
Woke up this morning to some interesting news. Well, interesting if you live in Missouri.
Not all too surprising really. We, in Missouri, like our guns, even when we don’t like them. (I’m referring to our state legislature passing a concealed weapons law allowing people to carry with a permit even though the voters said no).
Why do I foresee a lot of drunk camping/hunting accidents/murders involving rednecks? I mean really, a tent? Does that happen often? Someone breaks into your tent to steal all your valuables? “Well officer, he did try to take my hundred-dollar Coleman lantern. That’s worth more than my trailer. And it’s a double wide.”
Wasn’t that reasonable enough? Now all they have to do is come on to your property? Why do I think Blunt had one too many door to door salesmen or Mormons show up at his door? I can probably think of a few people that I wouldn’t mind inviting over and have myself protected under this new law. I know what you’re thinking, if I invited them, then I’m not protected under this law. Well, how are you going to find that out if they’re spread out over my lawn? (No, I’m not being serious, but I can’t wait until someone actually does claim this).
Sweet. Now it’s even easier for people to have guns without telling anyone. Gun Control in Missouri is an oxymoron. And don’t give me the crap about owning more guns makes crime rates drop. In Missouri it hasn’t.
Via StLToday.com
4th of July
I don’t think I’m really doing anything for the 4th this year. I’m just gonna chill and enjoy a day off. Maybe play the Wii. I doubt I’ll set off any fireworks. Last year, for the first time in the 10 years I’ve lived in St. Peters, we got hassled by the cops for shooting off fireworks. So did everyone in our subdivision. Wait, let me rephrase that. We got hassled for walking out of our house around 6pm and lighting up a sparkler for my nephew. A sparkler. The city of St. Peters pisses me off so much sometimes. Why not let people have a little fun on the 4th? Every city around us allows fireworks on and around the 4th. They used to look the other way. I guess not anymore. They’d rather put every car on patrol for fireworks instead of drunk drivers, robberies, and any other crime that is being committed. Maybe if the cops spent more time doing their job of stopping real crime they would have caught former mayor Tom Brown taking bribes sooner. They were probably too busy beating down kids throwing snaps to do real police work. St. Peters makes some dumb decisions sometimes. Oh, and to further my rant on St. Peters, this city agreement shit with Charter pisses me off. I want to get DSL but I can’t because ATT doesn’t operate withing St. Peters because they are not allowed to. Charter is the sole provide of cable and internet in St. Peters. What ever happened to monopolies being illegal? I can’t wait to move to St. Charles, O’Fallon, Wentzeville, or anywhere else really.
New Theme
So for the past couple weeks I’ve been searching for a new theme. You might have stopped by while I was testing some out. I had maybe 3 different themes up over the past few weeks but kept going back to the previous because I wasn’t feeling any of them, even after some modifications. This one I do like and might keep up for a bit. I have to see it on my website for a few days in order to determine if I like it. We’ll see. Any thoughts?